Sunday, December 9, 2012

( Cosmology   cum    Spiritual  Science  )

 81. .  Our  ignorant  mind getting entangled  in Material  world  glorify  the  works  of  Vital  World.
82. Rationally  there is  no  difference  between  Soul and mind . Mind is the  degraded  or  Earthly  part  of  our  soul  which , like  distilled Water , is the  purest  extract  of Mind too .  Soul is like  the cleanest piece of cloth and when   it  gets  soiled up in material use  , it may   turn up  to be  our mind.
83 .   Meditation is the  normal waking  state  of  a  Yogi.
84 . Once  we  are  spiritually  awakened , we grow  less interested  in  material  enjoyment.
85. Without Spiritual awakening ,  all  rituals  and  devotional practices  are  vain  efforts .
86. All  sensory  or  vital  objects  originate  in  consciousness  by the  reflction of the  Mind.
87. A realized  person   never  feels   lonley , even if he lives  alone. Even  in  action , --he  does not feel  involved  or  while  talking  , does not  lose  his  inner  silence. He  does  not desire  what is not  easily offered  to him. He is  not disturbed in  distress  nor is  elated  in pleasure.
88 . To  spiritually  elite ,  the  perceptual  Universe  is  nothing  but  a  TV -serial  play  or  Leela  of  Brahman .
89.  All  seven heavens  are the  created  Wave -lengths   within  our  Mind/ psychae / soul  Complex and according  to  our  own   mental or  spiritual  attainment .
90 . The  absolute  never  works  or  creates but only  manifest  through  Involution /Evolution  desire  of the  Divine.

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