Saturday, December 8, 2012

11,  Names  ans  forms  are  only  identification  in  division  to  understand  the ONE( only ). Gold-ring  and  gold - coin  are  Gold  only.
12.Mind  has  no  shape  nor  fprm. The  knowledge of  matter  and  it's  quality  is  Mind  itself .
13.Subject- Object  phenomena  is  the  manifestation  of the  UNIVERSE. Purushottomo - Consciousness  is the  only  Subject .  Objects(  we all )   can never  be  the   observer( author  of  observation ),  we  , all ,  observe  with  borrowed  consciousness from  DIVINE. Noone  can  see their  own  eyes  without  mirror  or  reflection .
14. OM  is  Root - Cosnic  vibration (  finer  than even,  Planck's  Unit ).The  modern  science  is  closer  to it   wih ' Vibrating  STRING '. Everything  from  Diamond  to  dust  from Galaxies  to  garbage may  be the  variable  product  of 'STRING-Vibration '. It  is  like  the  sams  Cotton -string that  makes  a cushion or a  pillow  or  Quilt or a  cloth .
15.Satto - Rojo -Tomo  are the  Tri-vibration ( in  frequency )  of  COSMIC -MIND  MAHAT. It  may be like  EMF  - vibrating  frequency  producing  producing  Magnetism  to viusl  to  infra-red  to  Radio-frequency .All  living  being  from  best  Man  to  beast all  these  3  Guna-s ,  in  variable  proportion  depending  on the  quality  of Life.
Even  the  Saints  have their  bladder and rectum  along  with  their  Hearts.
16 .All  forms  od  Material -life in this  Universe   or  else  where, are  only  atoms of  Electro-Magnetic &  particle  display  on --D  Cosmic Screen  or  Space .The  remote  control  is  under  Divines -Sesign  through  Nature. It  may  be  compare  with  2-D  'STAR-WAR'  on  TV  in youer  Bed-room .
17.Until  we can  comvert  our  Gross  mind  into  expanding  Cosmic  mind ,  we can not  transcend  the  state  of  Duality , however  we   explain  it  through  our  Intelligence .
18. On the  3rd  day  of  our  Death  we  rise  from  our  slumber ( Ressurection) and know  we  are  dead .
And  our  pesrceptual  power  multi plies  7 -times .
Then   we  suffer  or  enjoy  on the  basis  of our  Past-life  experiences &  desires and performances in past life. We  are  sad  and weep  if  we were  more  attached . Or  we  feel more  elated  and  liberated  if  were more  spiriyual.
19 .  neither  Heaven  nor  Hell  exists  out  siide our  own Mental Sphere . They  are  not  Physical  -Space  but  only  Fields  of   vibrating  Wave-length. like  Multiple  Channels  on our TV- screen.
20 .  Extroverted and  Material Mind , even if  it  was  highly Skilled  and  wealthy are  not  conditioned  for
Spiritual  life .

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