Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New York Times
European Officials Accept Union's Nobel Peace Prize
New York Times - ‎7 hours ago‎
OSLO - Besieged by economic woes and insistent questions about its future, the European Union accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on Monday with calls for further integration and a plea to remembethe words of Abraham Lincoln as he addressed a divided ...
That's very  good  and  GREAT !

But why not, -   those  that  were  responsible   for  DIVISION/ PARTITION  of  INDIA  into  3   BRUTALLY  DIVIDED   PARTS out  of  'POLITICAL  GAMBLING'  as  POST-WAR  AFTER-MATH  should  not  be  held  RESPONSIBLE  and  PUNISHED ? Or what  REWARD  for  them ?

Even  BERLIN  was  UNITED, finally    but  GANDHI's  INDIA  are PIECE-Meal  NATIONS  now !
 Who  was  the  AUTHOR ( or  Authors) of  this  VILLAINY ?
What  PRICE  or  PRIZE   for this  BUTCHERY  ? ?
( Under  RIGHT  to   FREE  Opinion)

'Einstein was first to dream up dark energy' - Indian Express . 12/12/12

Indian Express - ‎9 hours ago‎
Physicist Albert Einstein was the first to come across the concept of Dark Energy, much before the idea became popular and the genius regretted it as "the biggest mistake of my life", researchers claim.

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