Thursday, December 27, 2012


How   were  you  born  in  a country  of  these  Masculine - Devils
Where  from  you  got  so  much  strength , - fighting   these  animals , -tell
 No! no ! , sorry !,  for  Animals  all  do  abide  by  law of  nature
and  know the  art of  wooing  and have  patience  to  seek and  wait .

These  are ' Masculine- Devils', synthetic-  product  of  a  CORRUPT  Land
And all of them and  more  are .- out-put  of  sensual and  ' muted '  -World
They  are Cheapest  'biologic  Robots'  in human form
they  are  now  VOTERS  of a Land  of  a   "Gang-Rape -Capital " !

But yet!, -   what  Gene  gave   you  so much  courage,  even in after-math
 to  fight  even   Death  , until  now ,  to  seek report  on these devils  !
But , lo!  , they  are  too  abundant  now   all  over  the  Land
 as, being  reported  through  Media  and   almost every  day  of  our  living  !

You  must  be a    descendant  from  a Land , named  BHARAT  once
Now  slang-ed  as India  under  Corrupt  regime  and  misrule
where  leader  are  not the  born-Captains  to lead  the  NATION
 but    appointed -  figure   by  'stitched -up  politics ', as now prevail !

To  fight  six  devils ,even with a ' Murdered-sate'  in  gang  -Rape  Capital
is  the  only    reason  , --that I am Saluting  You  and  BHARAT( not India ) .
( Under  Right  to  Free  Opinion ) .
[This  not  'Poetry '  but   an 'opinion'.-pibi ]
Composed  now  on  the  Screen  by  Dr. P.Basu , M.D . Legendary  Poet; Poetry  .com ,USA.
10 AM, 28 Dec, 2-12, India .

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