Friday, January 11, 2013

12 Jan/2013 , Saturday ;
Modern  Society &  Civilization
Summing  up:-
Man, the  conscious 'Homo sap'ien'   of  present  and  advanced  Civilization and   Society are  no  more guided  by  his  consciousness-awareness  center  but  is  more  a 'Hormonal -Animal'  under  the  influence  of  his  lower ' Mammon-Vital'  Center along  with  Viagra -drugs  and  drinks and  enhanced by the economic -flooding  here and  there .The reaction - results  are easily  observable  in  sporadic m endemic  and epidemic  'Outburst's, so often  now.
My  friends  often  ask  me, --why I   look  more  into  the  the '  negative '- shape of  anything  and  I  reply --'By good-luck or misfortune , I  was trained for eight yrs (5+3)  as  a Doctor  and   for  more than  three decades  I  served  and has thus  developed  the  good or bad  habit  of  finding  the  abnormality  first  on any  situation ,even  if  , presented  as  'good'.

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