Friday, January 11, 2013

THE   GEETA (  For  Every  day  and   Everyone)
by Hiranmoy  Gautom ( Dr. P.Basu, M.D , Legendary Poet  USA, Poetry .com).
Copy right  :  sunana Basu : First  published  March , 2002; Runa  Printing House ; Mkt. no 4 , C.R.Park , N.delhi -110019.
The  story  of the  great battle of 'KURUKSHETRA 'of  MAHABHARATA as  propounded in the  Geeta  is , in my opinion ,the  allegorical presentation  of  the  Vedantic view of the  evolutionary  ascent  of  humanism itself. This  spiritual  theme was  set up  against the  'Battle-Field  of  existence between the  evolving  Conscious  man one  one  side  and the  repulsive  degrading  selfish  man on the  opposite. Thus the  scripture ' Geeta'  is unique  in the  sense that  it  is  presented  on the  STAGE if  battling  life itself  , involving the  humanity  as a whole .
There  are  only  18  steps ( Chapters)  to  climb to heaven with the  living  condition  of this  body, in tact and with our  soul integrated  as  was  done  by Yudhisthira himself. Maybe,  you and I  too can attempt the  same  if we  develop our  spiritual  potential  in full.
What  is , really  the  meaning  of the  word  - ' KURUKSHETRA' !?   Please  ponder over. Even in the  field  of our  own  life  and  work, similar  state  of  confusion  and  crisis  prevail in every phase  of our living .
Whether  we  go  to the  market  or  to office-work ; whether  we  drive  through  a cross-road or  face' fire ' in our  own house , certain  adverse  situation will  ever stand  between our  physical  state or moral  poise   to  engulf  or  overwhelm  us . That  is  the real meaning  of ' Kurukshetra'  in our  battling  life.
Matters  not if  you are a man or  woman, young  or  old, your  role  in life , like that  of  ARJUNA is  as  sure  and UN - avoidable .

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