Thursday, January 10, 2013

BIBLE  (in  Verse  )  Part  I
( After  St. Mathews ; Abridged)

Live  not  by bread  alone
Divine's  words  are  better  food , -ever known
 Dare not  to  put  God  to  test
deepest  faith  shall  guide  you  best
 Whatever   do,  -do in his name
all  works  be  services  in  'living- Game' .
Fishing  fish  is  surviving need
fishing wise men for  Divine , better indeed
Blessed  are those  , --pure in heart
even if  suffer  won't  ever  desert.
 Jesus  came  not  to  abolish  things
but  to  fulfill and  discard  nothing
No right  to  kill that  you  created  not
forgiving  is  better ; approved  by lord
With  lust in heart  adultery  you  commit
it matters  not  if  by  look  or by  greed
Don't  swear  by  God or by 'head' again
neither  of them  are  in your  domain
Do  what  you  have  to , --as  God's will
hate -not  your  enemy  even if  , -have to  kill.

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