Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Phanibhusan Basu 
10:45 PM (8 hours ago)
to RanaNeelaDevjit
NASA: There are 17 BEEELLION Earth-like worlds in Milky Way

Plus: Kepler sniffs out 4 'potentially life-bearing planets'
By Anna Leach • Get more from this author
Posted in Science, 8th January 2013 14:32 GMT
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Scientists scrubbing up data about starlight from NASA's Kepler telescope have used it to estimate that there are 17 billion otheEarths in our galaxy, the Milky Way.
!!!!!'' 17 billion other Earths in our Galaxy , the Milky Way " !!!!!!
An Indian SAINT , Sree Ramakrishna Guru of Swami Vivekananda in 1883 ( 3 years before the the Discovery of Radio Telescope ) told his disciples ( recorded in "KATHAMRITA " By Sri Mo( Mahendranath Gupta, first published 1902) that like crabs in river 'GANGA'( Ganges) in Monsoon - time , there are billion-billions of Jagat (Worlds ) all managed by God alone ! So his disciples should bother less about the management and welfare issues and devote more time in their devotion to God . - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- !
In 1970-s I put this sayings of Ramakrishna to the Head of Physics , Dept. , Delhi University, India ( living in C.R.Park). He also asserted that up till then (1970-s) our planet was the only 'living' Planet in the Universe in-spite of Radio Telescope - SEARCH .
And to day ? ---
" "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamed of in your philisophy " --Shakespeare !

Like Ramanujan's Mathematical formula in his dream from his Goddess, another Spiritual Giant named Sri Ramakrishna knew about the whole COSMIC TRUTH even before RADIO TELESCOPE took the STAGE in 1886 !.

Amazing and Awesome !!! Is not it ???
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Rana Bose
3:44 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Phanibhusan Basu 
6:45 AM (3 minutes ago)
to Rana
Forget not !    !902 was  3 years  even  before EINSTEIN  came  on the  STAGE  &  REAL  COSOMOLOGY   was born ( Theory  of  Relativity ).1905.

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