Sunday, March 31, 2013


Meet  you  almost  every day
here , on  river  Gongaa
gliding  up-tide  or  down  -and
floating  day  and  night .

don't know  how  to  admire  you  more
so much  deep  green  and  vital  soft
like  'aborigine -girl , --wild  and  healthy
sliding  up and  down ;  ever  green ,  ever  mobile  !
on  the  liquid  bed  -spread   in  front  of  my  flat !

With root  and  thousands  of  root-let - strings
like  puffy  spread-hair  of  a  country  girl
hidden  and  ever  bathing   under - water
with  your roots ;  yet   with   that  'root-less'  life.

Even  so  detached   from  the  eager  Earth
and  swim  with  tide ;  float  and  flow
Wish  !  -- I  could  be  too ,  like  you
 ever - green  and   with your  vital  flow  !
5  stars

Charles Hill5 days ago
Caring, compassionate, and touching. Deep, beautiful, and the emotion is well expressed. Has great visuals. Has a great message, flow, and is well crafted, beautifully written, and I could feel the love in the poem. I was moved. Excellent work.

Pamela Clarke5 days ago
Ballad  of the  trapped  stork : Pet Poem

4 stars
Nicely done, I like the ending

Mute  Pathos :

Kount Drakula2 days ago
well mate i dont know but i really like this poem


Jayne Murphy2 days ago
love it hugs

Another  'Old man  and  his  sea '                            
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Love This
Needs Work
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Tracie Dugan1 day ago
letting life stay to bloom

Monique Timmons1 day ago
freedom to the earth

enjoyed it

Mark Dryden1 day ago
nice, rom

Curtis Allison9 hours ago
good job

Saturday, March 30, 2013

That  was  a  Classic tale  of  long  time  back
This  is  another   old man   of  some  other  tale
who has  revolved  with  the  world   round  the  Sun
for  more  than   Eighty  years   by  now  and to  tell.

His  childhood pond  did  turn  to 'river'
while  he grew  up  happily  on  rural  base
then  his  river  evolved  unto  a 'Sea' or  Ocean  vast
 as he  grew up  more  and  more   with  his  deeper  roots .
Fishing  small  ones  was his  passion and  love
and  tropical   mosquitoes  his   lasting  friends.

Now  in late  life , - was fishing    for  different  kinds
in  so many  oceans   around  the  Globe
the  old man  now  returning  on his own  'life-boat'
maybe, with empty-hands  but  enriched  in  soul.

The  setting  Sun  now   smiling  wide
invites  him  back  to  his  resting den
His  'catch'  was  different in  so many  oceans
He  lost  so much  yet ,  gained    more  different wealth.

He  stored  and  froze  them  inside  his  Soul
This  old  man  has now a  fulfilled  life
All tears   and  smiles   were  too  his  wealth
all  storms  and  scars and  so much  Sun-shine !

Friday, March 29, 2013

NO !  I  COULD  NOT  !

On  my  return  from  evening    walk
through  a  garden ,---  spring-time - rich
with  lengthening    shadows  of   Sun-set  time
slowly  embracing  me .

I  found  a  flower  young  and  sweet
blossoming with  joyous  smile
got  hold  of  it  and  gripped  to  clip  or pluck
and  present  it  to my   wife ; back  home waiting for  me
and   make  this  eve   a memorable bliss
 as  best as  it  could  be.

But    no,  I  could  not  !
Let  this  young  blossom  stay  and  bloom
where  ever  it  found  it's  joy
I  walked  back  home  with  empty  hands
facing  Sun -set  dim   but  then   it seemed
it  was  lovingly warm  and  smiling back  !  
Composed  28/03/2013


"Life  is  good  or  evil  according  to  the  state  of  mind in which  we  look  at  it ;  it  is  neither  by  itself. 
Fire by  itself , is  neither  good  nor  evil . When  it  keeps  us  warm  we  say -  " how  beautiful  is  fire !"
When  it  burns  our  finger,  we  blame  it. Still  it  is  neither  good  nor  bad . 
According as  we  use  it , it  produces  the   feeling  of  good  or bad ;  so also  is  the  world " .
P  76
COMPLETE  WORKS  OF   SWAMI  VIVEKANANDA; Mayavati Memorial  Ediion, Vol  1; 19 Th Reprint , 1992.

Trapped  and  caught   the  male  stork   cry
it  curses  it's  fate ;  future  sealed  and  sure  to die  
It  cries  out  loud  and  appeal  to  all  the  escaping   bird
to   tell  about  his  tragic  fate   to his   beloved  wife-bird .

The  retreating  birds   flew  back  fast  and told  the  tale
The  wife-stork  heard  ,   cried  and  wept  and  became pale
She  winged  with  speed  to  meet  her  love and  with praying  heart
and   found   poor  stork  trapped  and  caught  and  tossing  hard
The  male - stork  cried , the  wife-stork  wept and  surrounding  land  too  felt
 the  tragedy  in  this  avian  life ;  the  avian  world  , in avian way  was  spelt
The  sky  above  looked  sad and  dry  ;  the  cloud  darkened  there   on  high
the  World  around seemed  doomed  for  them ;   wind  hissed  with  sigh
the  male-stork  trapped  , caught  and  toss , the  wife-stork   weep  and cry
Their  together-world  now  is  shattered , crushed ; yet  time is   passing  by  !
Based  on  a  very  popular  'Folk-Song' of  Bengal ("faande  poriyaa bogaa  kaande"( phonetic spelling  of Bengali )
(Transliteration : Trapprd , -- the   stork  now  cry  and  weep !)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Like   pimple  it  comes  out
Like  prickly heat  it   excites  you
We  want  to  possess  all  or  swallow  in
For --our  ignorance  or   ill-health  is  snubbing   us  too
while  our  desires  are   conceived in  your  mammon - will .

Our   Ego's  tentacled  creeping  growth !
It   always  wants  to  engulf    but  shrinks  to  give
Desire --  the  name  of  its   greedy   out-growth
 however  much   we  trim  it , - will  prop up  or  peep
Desire !  --Nature's  Vital  plan   and    ' Bridal  bed-spread' !
Composed  in 1990-s  and was published  in "Where  Dreams  Begin"  of  The  National  Library  of  poetry, 1993 ;  ISBN 1-56167-039-1. now  edited.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Whether   COSMOS  was  designed   first
and  life came   after  on it
Or  Life  itself  was   designed first  
and  COSMOS  was  planned  for  it .

Cosmos  for  life  or  life   for  Cosmos
Yes  , - " that  is  the   Question '
a    troubling  one, too !
And  can  any one   and  when ,  travel  even  beyond
Higg's  Boson   to find  how  -
 or  who  was  the  cook  ?

The  Grand  Design  without  a  Designer
or  a COSMOS  planned without  a  conscious  Author  first
Ha !  Ha !  Ha !  ( if  I  am  allowed )
And  yes , --"that  is  the   Question " ---last .

Green -grass  now   advancing  like  Carpet-spread
sleeping seeds  all.  --  waking  up  and  peep
Baby  leaves  swing  ; dance  on  branches  with  breeze
sprouting  buds  jump  and  dress up  to  bloom
Sun-shine  soft  with  crimson  smile !

Symphony  of   singing  birds  staged  by  Nature
must  be  Spring -Time , by  my  soul ,  must  be  Spring  !


যক্ষের  à¦¬িরহ   চলে  à¦°à¦¥ে  / অবিশ্রাম  à¦…লকার   পথে   ।  --- রবীন্দ্রনাথ

It  is  light  and  shade  and  spectrum -  trick
 your  smile  and  look , even    rosy  glow  
the  darkening  cloud  or  lip-stick  lips
the spring-time  magic  of  blossoming  show .

The  new born Sun  or the  smiling  moon
rain-bow  lovely ;  cerulean sky
all  light  and  shade  and  spectrum -play
behind  all  of  them , -- our  viewing   eye !

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Young terrorists   are  innocent
Old  ones  are    dangerous   - I  think
Bollywood  stars   are    precious  wealth
even   if  they  hit  'n' run   by  instinct .

Aare  baap !  they 're  the  best  Vote-resource
 do  not   U    ever   know  !
Millions  of   voters  are their  stable  fans
 without  them  how  can the  power  grow ?
For  ref ;  read  T.O.I , Kolkata  Dt. March  25 , 2013 , Front page .

What  a  brain  !!  What  a  'press release'  !!!   --from  a  Political  stalwart  !!!!
By  that   Rule   all  young terrorists  ( against  Nation )  should  be  Pardoned .

" Must be  pardoned "  !
 Is  it  an  ORDER  by   some   political  'Maharaja '  to  the 'GUV'  ?
G.O.K  ( Only  God  Knows ) !

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Condemned  to  live
in this  moron-world !

Paintings   on  the  wall  -
all  seem  hanging  now
upside -down  ; as  if --
through  a vast  broken mirror
I  view  the   reflecting  World  --and
myself  too !

Dreams  are  yet ,  floating  high
like  inflated  balloons with  colored  stripes
while  jet planes  fly   with  trailing  smoke
and  rules  the  sky   of  my  teen-age -love
above !

Or ,  is  it  or  may it  not  be
all  is    speeding  as   Cosmos  planned
and  I  alone ,   am shifted  or  displaced  to
my  Predestined  spot  !

"Crime  and  Punishment " !-what is it ?
An  obsolete  out-dated  -fiction  tale
Dostoevsky   an  author   !  where was   he
Repentance   and  grief   ;  ha ! ha !
 all  non-sense !

No one  now,-  of  21st Century's  advanced  soul
suffer   from  guilt-sense  ; no !  not  any  more
from   one's conscious  misdeeds with  tormenting  soul .

You have   enough  means  and  millions  --so !
what  bothers  you  my  dear ; even  crime  can be   your  'Sport'
you  are  the  idol  of  million hearts
One  or  two  decades , --you  can  trample  or  surpass .
For  law  is  designed  for  you  or for  your  help
So ,  go  ahead  with  your  plan .

Some  are  crushed , some one  dead , some  poached
so  what  ?
Not  even   worth  for  "A Tale  of  Two  cities"
You made  the  story  for  a  whole  Nation ,  I assert
or the  World

There  is  no  crime  for ' chosen'  ones
Oh !  the  supreme  idol  of  a   Nation at large
Your  next  trip  to  New York   to morrow
or   any  where ;  you  plan it  fast ?

Blackbuck, Hit & Run Cases: Legal woes of Salman piling on Posted by: Maitreyee Published: Saturday, March 23, 2013, 13:57 [IST] Ads by Google Android Smartphone @ 3999  Buy IDEOS with Tata Docomo & get Free Talktime & Data worth Rs. 1500 Find Muslim Life Partner  By The Grace of Allah On No.1 Muslim Matrimony site Mumbai, March 23: Bollywood films are known to promote the theory of good prevailing over evil. Now, it is the turn of "real" to imitate the "reel". After actor Sanjay Dutt, it the turn of Salman Khan to prepare himself to face the law for "crimes" committed by him. The Supreme Court on Thursday, March 21 upheld actor Dutt's conviction under the Arms Act, but reduced his sentence from six to five years in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case. On Saturday, March 23 a Jodhpur court framed fresh charges against four of the accused and Salman's film industry colleagues in the 14-year-old-long Blackbuck poaching case. The court of chief judicial magistrate, Jodhpur, Saturday read out charges against four Bollywood stars -- Tabu, Sonali Bendre, Neelam and Saif Ali Khan. However, the court stopped itself from reading the charges against Salman, the main accused of the case, as he was not present in the court. Earlier, Salman got exemption from appearing in the court on the ground that he had to be out of the country for medical treatment. "Salman Khan was not present in the court today (Saturday) as he in not in the country and has gone overseas for treatment," Hastimal Saraswat, Salman Khan's counsel, said. The next court hearing on charges against Salman will be held on April 27. The charges against the accused have been framed under the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 relating to hunting and inciting to poach blackbucks, an endangered species. The actors are likely to face imprisonment of up to six years if they are sentenced guilty by the court. Moreoevr, Salman will appear in person before a Sessions Court in Mumbai in the 2002 hit-and-run case on March 25. The 47-year-old actor will return from the USA on Saturday (March 23) night to appear before the Court on Monday (March 25). On the fateful night of September 28, 2002, the actor allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol had run over his Toyota Land Cruiser on homeless people who were sleeping on the pavement. In the accident one person was killed and four were injured. OneIndia News Topics: salman khan, mumbai, law, jodhpur, death, crime, court, bollywood More from Oneindia Mandira Bedi’s topless photo shocks many Saif Ali Khan fights again, thrown out of Lucknow airport BCCI says no to Sachin Tendulkar's request Salman Khan finally speaks up on Katrina Kaif beating incident! Italian Marines: Subramanian Swamy steals credit from Sonia From Around The Web Viewpoint: What if women ruled the world? (BBC) The Person of the Year: The Whistleblower (Corruption, Crime & Compliance) Why does the world target Israel? ( Obama In Israel: He Came, He Spoke, They Swooned (The Daily Beast) Chinese factories struggle to keep staff (Financial Times) Recommended by Other articles published on March 23, 2013 Write a comment   Your name: Email: Will be displayedWill not be displayed Security code: 136703   Post to Facebook  Post to Twitter User Comments [ Post Comments ] Be the first to comment on this article. Subscribe Newsletter India News WB: HS examinees create ruckus Aarushi Talwar murder: Rape angle erupts Terrorist arrest: Omar rushes to Delhi Acharya Habba 2013: Highlights on Day 1 Earth Hour is 2 billion people event How women politicians trivialise rape Del, JK cops differ on terrorist's plan Sanjay Dutt and his confession to crime Saif reveals story behind airport spat Legal woes of Salman Khan piling on + Show More  News Archives Looking for Android phones in the range of Rs.5,000 to Rs.15,000. Best deals HERE People Talk narendra kapooron'Not Sonia, another woman claimed to be Rajiv Gandhi's wife' Bir Singh YadavonNot Sanjay Dutt, real issue is to probe Bollywood-dons links PaddyonNeighbours ganging up against India? Pak backs Sri Lanka ImayanonSanjay innocent? Why Katju, Jaya are wrong to contest SC RajatonSanjay innocent? Why Katju, Jaya are wrong to contest SC How to make flower from lamasa 

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