Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It  is   Sunday ,  today
Today  I  plan  not  to  mind  the  world
Goodbye , to  all  haggling  .
I  shall take  my  seat  by  the  window
and  call the   vendor  sky.

I  've   earned  this day
from the  clutches  of  my  boss
forgoing  the  lure  of  overtime  pay
This   day  is  at  my  disposal ;  there is  none
to bother  me
No  office -master's   frowning
no fear  of  massacre   in my  ' Personal file'
no  forced  obedience.

Sitting by  the  window
 I  shall  call  the  hawker  sky
and  buy  a strip of  azure  blue
presenting  me the  Sun-shine  by  day
and  unique  chrysanthemum  by  night
 on a  star-spangled tray
minding  not   the  smoky  environ
or  explosion of a  few  crackers
or  hand-bombs here  and  there .
( Composed  in Bengali (late  1970-s) , translated  in English  by Umanath  Bhattacharya  and  Published  in Murdered  Moon , 1982, Delhi ).

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