Saturday, March 30, 2013

That  was  a  Classic tale  of  long  time  back
This  is  another   old man   of  some  other  tale
who has  revolved  with  the  world   round  the  Sun
for  more  than   Eighty  years   by  now  and to  tell.

His  childhood pond  did  turn  to 'river'
while  he grew  up  happily  on  rural  base
then  his  river  evolved  unto  a 'Sea' or  Ocean  vast
 as he  grew up  more  and  more   with  his  deeper  roots .
Fishing  small  ones  was his  passion and  love
and  tropical   mosquitoes  his   lasting  friends.

Now  in late  life , - was fishing    for  different  kinds
in  so many  oceans   around  the  Globe
the  old man  now  returning  on his own  'life-boat'
maybe, with empty-hands  but  enriched  in  soul.

The  setting  Sun  now   smiling  wide
invites  him  back  to  his  resting den
His  'catch'  was  different in  so many  oceans
He  lost  so much  yet ,  gained    more  different wealth.

He  stored  and  froze  them  inside  his  Soul
This  old  man  has now a  fulfilled  life
All tears   and  smiles   were  too  his  wealth
all  storms  and  scars and  so much  Sun-shine !

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