Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The river of  my  Motherland  
and childhood !, 

So much  on your  ever  flowing  liquid-love
that  I  never  desired  to  move  beyond  your   lap
the  tropical  Home  of  my  ' world'   so vast !
Coconut  , mangoes , jack- fruits  and what not
 I  was  ever  busy in playing them with  such   juicy life
and  never  cared  to know  what more  treasures 
were waiting  -- beyond !
And then -----------
the  demonic  hands  of   'Butcher-Politics'
sliced  into  halves  my  so beautiful  Mother-land
The Shylock--desire  of Conspiring  mind
succeeded  in  its   plan
and  declared  me a  'Refugee  Boy '  on global  terms
after  butchering  physically  my  Mother-Land !
How to  picturise  the  carnivorous   joy
of  Post-War - secret  Plan -
or  POLITICAL  greed 
and  aftermath !

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