Friday, March 1, 2013


Your  pen-talk-poem   told  me  some
were  there  some   kept  hidden  in
The  Sun  rose  and  set , since, -countless  time
Did  sweeper-Time    sweep   everything  !

Friends   ,
No one  understands  my  desire deep
now  in  this 'Pilgrimage  of  life,  I 'm  face  to face
with   the  Divine  in  myriad   forms  ---and
the  perceptual   'magic -play '  can not  elude me  .

A Star Is Born? No, But Maybe a Planet

Wall Street Journal - ‎Feb 28, 2013‎
Astronomers have spotted what they believe is a planet in the dramatic and violent process of being born in another solar system, an event that may shed light on how planets come into being.

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