Wednesday, March 6, 2013


With  even  trillionth  of  Shine  from your  single  Sun
received  or  lost , -- the days  and  nights of  this  World
that is   not even a spec of   dust
on the  Grand  CANVAS  of   Space  and  Time .
What  more   myriad  wonders  are  breeding  every  moment
who  knows !
Like  the   fire-fly  jest  on your  TIME-less   smile
billions  od  Suns/ Stars , Galaxies  speed
on  your  Octave  tunes  of  SYMPHONY - SHOW
by the  sweet -will   or   Whim  of  Thee !.
Every  moment , YOUR  quantum  Immutable  Conscious  PLAY
lightens  up  Life  and  Existence  on your  Grand  Design
with  Super-conscious ' luminous'   tunes .
And  yet  -- the  MAHAKAAL  , your  Cosmic Time
 with  Black holes  and  Dark Energy  remais  UN-revealed  !

Even  here , --we have  Temples  Churches  and  Mosques
 the  reflective  faces  of  our  humble  soul
ceaselessly   dreaming   your  shape  and  form .
 Even though  I  am  yet  to be  en-rolled .
They  Stamped  me  an Athiest , - though  have  always  sought
 and  searched  you  every  where , - throughout  life
looked  for  your  Cosmic face , even  Earthly  form
YOUR  identity  real  or  the  difference
 in  myriad  'dance '.

And  then , ---like  ' SATORI'  or  TRANCE
 I  could  smell  your  pervading  odour  in  of  every  name
 The  earth , the  tree ,  the  river , tornedoes  , storms
 in blossomming  flowers  or  in filth  of  every  form.
or  on  expanded  SKY  of the  night --I  find
billions of  Temple- lights   burn ,  adoring  your  face
 and  when  there,   you  beacon me  and  I  fly
in-spite  of  all  challenging  stance .
because  of  my  faith--that
when  trillions  of  stars , Galaxies within the  COSMOS  dance
at  your    feet
can  I   figure  YOU  in  any  Temple  , Mosque  or  Church ?

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