Saturday, March 23, 2013


"Crime  and  Punishment " !-what is it ?
An  obsolete  out-dated  -fiction  tale
Dostoevsky   an  author   !  where was   he
Repentance   and  grief   ;  ha ! ha !
 all  non-sense !

No one  now,-  of  21st Century's  advanced  soul
suffer   from  guilt-sense  ; no !  not  any  more
from   one's conscious  misdeeds with  tormenting  soul .

You have   enough  means  and  millions  --so !
what  bothers  you  my  dear ; even  crime  can be   your  'Sport'
you  are  the  idol  of  million hearts
One  or  two  decades , --you  can  trample  or  surpass .
For  law  is  designed  for  you  or for  your  help
So ,  go  ahead  with  your  plan .

Some  are  crushed , some one  dead , some  poached
so  what  ?
Not  even   worth  for  "A Tale  of  Two  cities"
You made  the  story  for  a  whole  Nation ,  I assert
or the  World

There  is  no  crime  for ' chosen'  ones
Oh !  the  supreme  idol  of  a   Nation at large
Your  next  trip  to  New York   to morrow
or   any  where ;  you  plan it  fast ?

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