Thursday, March 14, 2013

( Under  the  wheel  of  a   Speeding  car )

Why  so  shocked !
This  is , too,   another  way
mid-life  exit  ;  light-speed  quick
Now  shall  be  escorted  to  a clearing  van
dragged by  tail
In   metropolis  city - life , - a regular  sight .

Had a  good  back -ground  ;-  no !
 silvery  chain  or  ID-plate
John  or  July  ,  some  fancy  name  ; --  none !
Yet ,  must  have left  behind  some  puppy -kids
or  a  darling  one behind  !
Matters  not  
 love  gets  built  up  some  way  and -
suddenly  gets   this   lightning  crash !
Yet  so  lucky !
 you  did not  know  the  agony   of  suffering life
or  painful death !

Or  --did  those  lovers  in  driving  car   know
what  memory  has been  pasted  in  blood  on their  wheel ?
(On the  busy  road , driving behind, I  witnessed  all )
 Those   costly  high  rise  flats  with balcony  garden beside
the  speeding  cars  and  noisy  laughs
and  rushing , crowding life   around .

Yet  who  will  care  to  know
what  some  little  loss  is   left behind
to  the  jaws of death ----and
this  sudden  exit  defeating  life
with  crash-finish !
(Composed in Bengali  ,1970-s ; Published ,2008 ; Now  translated  for )

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