Friday, March 15, 2013

(As  I  understood   )

I.  All men are  manifestation and  expression  of  the  Divine . That  does  not make   all  men  neither  equal
      nor  all men  equal  to  Divine.
II.  Be  progressive  and   spiritual   but  be  practical  too  in  conditioned - life and living .
III.  Like  nourishing  and poisonous  fruits ,  there  are good  and   bad   people   by  Divine  law  and  on
       relative  term .(  In  Medical Science   my  teacher  taught  -' Poisons  or  medicines  are  only  relative
      degree/ strength  of  same  substance  e.g  Opium  or  alcohol ' ).

(Transliteration :  Dr. P.Basu M.D, Legendary  poet , USA ; .._____________________________________________________________________
Ramakrishna kathamrita  by  Sri M ;  First published 1902 ; 17 Th  Edition, 17th  Re-print (1981), P  25  to  27 .

"Scientific  methods  can  teach  us  nothing  else  beyond  -  how  facts  are related and  conditioned  by  each other      ------ P 21
Knowledge  of   'what is ' ,  does  not  open the  door  directly   to   'what  should be '
 One  can have  the   complete  knowledge  of    what is  and  yet  not  be  able  to   deduct   from  that  --- 'what  should be ' .    ----P  22
 Science  without  Religion   is  lame  and  religion  without  Science   is  blind "  ----P  25 .

By   Einstein  ;  'OUT   OF   LATER    YEARS ' .
Presented  by  Pibi .

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