Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dear Vivek,
How  R   U  . Once  we  were  closer  through  hearts
Don't  know if  that  link  is  yet  preserved.

To  day  some  conditions   is  forcing  me  to  write   and  inform  you  as  follows :
You  know  Sanat's  brother  Vidyut  and  also  Sanat's  sister -in -law  Uma  I  hope.
When  I  came  here  I heard that   Sanat  brother  even   once  earned great    Praise  and  love  for  finding  out your  Father's  lost-purse  and  returning  to  him .
OK ;  all    these !
Now  Vidyut  an  alcoholic  and losing  all means of his  earning  for  his   family  is  working  for  Dr.  Basabi  Sarvadhikari , in  her house .
and Uma (his  wife)  is  helping  me   and  I  treat  her  as  my daughter and almost  she  alone  is  shouldering the  expenses   of   her  family .
Luckily  her  daughter Putul  has   even  passed  M.A  (History) and helping  the  family  expenses  by  teaching  local  students  and  earning  about   Rs  2.5 thousand/ pm.

Uma is  greatly  worried by  some  RUMOR   and threats    that  there is  a  plan  surfacing  that  Uma   and  her Children  might  be   evicted  from  their Place  of  living   and even Dr Basabi Sarbadhikari's   sister    communicated  such  threats   to  her.
YOU  KNOW  I  LIVE  ALMOST A  Renunciation -  LIFE  HERE  AND  without  much  Social link or  connections.
But  as  the  sufferings  and  ANXIETIES  of  UMA  is  also    affecting  me   due  to   my  dependence    on  her  regular help, I am  just  requesting  you    to  let  me  now  if   there is  any  Truth  in  it or it is  just  rumor  or plan a  to  frighten  her.
And  if  true  , --  will  it    be  LEGAL in  anyway ???
As  UMA  is almost  Physically  and  Mentally  sick  now by   rumors   or   threats I am requesting to  explore the  truth  from  your Father  and  let  me   know  just as  one,  bonded  with  friendly  relations .

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