Thursday, August 21, 2014

LONG   POEM :  Part  II
 (composed in Bengali  1990-s :  after request  from  the    Editor of a  Bengali  Magazine
Transliteration  on  8 / 15 / 2014 )
So    many months  now, I am  not writing poems
nor  paint pictures  nor  sculpt Waste -wood  sculptures.
My  dear  Editor,
you  demanded  a  good-long  poem  for next  issue !
But  is  there    really  a  sense  in   demanding   for  such poem !
Or , is  there  really  any  meaning  in a  long long  poem
Or  making  it  long  does  a   good poetry  really  remain a  Poem
On  this  issue  I have  been   thinking deep  for  a  good length  of  time .

Dear  Editor , I  have  really   with  me, no    good-long  poem
Over more  I  think, my    poem would  never  be ever , too  long
And  even more  now ,I am  getting  more  and  more  
bound   in  Compression
!For, --  often I find  :
even a  small  sweet  flower
getting  more  burnt  in  Summer -heat
is  getting  shriveled  like  my   compressed  poems !

Often  I  kook  back  deep,   in  my   memory  Store
and my  reminiscence  as  if   like a  young   dependent  frightened   deer
leaving  its  sick  mother  behind, drags itself  more  ahead
In the  same  way,  as  I left  my  partitioned ( butchered )  MotherLand
bartering  for ( when a  boy )  for my  Political  freedom .
OR, how  can  I  forget  my  child  hood  life   surgically  severed  from  me  , almost
 How  can I  forget , my  Childhood-   River bank
where  holding my  mother's  hand I would dream  of  Ocean  vast
in  future  life  !
All  these  dissociated  fragile  thoughts  , like  broken  glass
stab   and  hurt  my  bleeding  heart  of  child  -hood life !

All  memories  are  like   restless fleeting  clouds
like,   there  is  no Rod-map  on  the     flying wings  of   birds!

To day :
I am  but a  fully  developed  modern man  but  scarred
That's  another  STORY  and  shall  tell
some  other  Time .

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