Wednesday, August 27, 2014

(After  Paul     Dirac )

Nothing  can  happen  without   ' Cause    and  Effect'
Nothing  has   Happened  , I say ;  with    No   Observer  or  Proof
All  ' Possibilities '   are within   REALITY,    beyond  ' RELATIVITY '
'COLLAPSE  of   an  Event'  is  a Cosmic -Norm .

Without  ME  where  is   not even   the  DIVINE,   now
Without  Duality ,  even  GOD   is  not   a   Theme ,  to  me !

" I  Think So  I  am  "  --a   scholarly  sport  , it  seems
'I   am !  maybe ,   am  made  to  Think  ' :
  the    final  out-come  of   an  Illusive   'SCEME'!

Descartes  should   better, - have  his  talent   Edited
with  his  borrowed  STATE  of  Consciousness (  1st  cause )
All   Theories  and  revelations/ Proof -s   are  but
 the  after - effect   of   ' Quantum - contemplation " -or  Lies .

Or, otherwise
a  Lie  is  even  an   after-effect  
 of  Consciousness-Contemplation , I  think .
Composed : 28 / 08 /2014 .

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