Thursday, August 21, 2014

LONG  POEM  :  Part  One
Mind  or  thoughts  have  no  restraining  leash ;  just  as--
forest - dwellers    have   of  no  concrete  foot  -path !
Just  now ;
I  am    resting  reclined , on my  River  - side  FLAT-  balcony
and my   mind  makes  random  flights  like  escaped  birds!

Yes ,  I   have   some  definite   poise  and  planned  design in life
As  a  person  some  of  my  neighbors tease  me  as  'Talented'
yet  in the  way  of  real  living ,  I have  learnt no disciplined  form
but  by good  luck , I  have  earned  a  comfortable  and  Pensioned
retied  life .

On the  wall  near  me,  an  old  calender  of   bygone  year  hangs
and  sways  in  wind  trying  desperately  to   get an  extended  stay.
On the  tea  table ,  an  old   tattered book with  a   pathetic cover ,-  torn
appeals  for  what  ?

Last  night ,  there  was  'Black- out'  for  2 hours  in   the  town
yet, any  Coal-tar  night  can't  any  more  frighten  me
Rather the  chaotic  and  canine   face  of  day-time, --
tease  my  nerves  and  warn  me --more !

It  is  long - long  time  ;  I  did  not   visit ' CORBET  Park ' of    animals
Now ,  after living in modern  Metropolis-life ,  I   have  lost
further interest  in  canine World-s .
I  already  told in the  beginning  that :
Mind  and  thoughts  respect  no  disciplined  form.
I  love  to  bother  or  think on  many  issues -but
can  hardly  reach  ever  to a  definite    conclusion

In   boyhood -life  , I  dreamed of    becoming  a  poet
but  the  World  made me a   doctor ;  even a  specialist
I  loved  the  world  of  Visual  Art   and  sculpting  too
Finally what  I  became  now,  was  not  indispensable  to   the  Society
but saved  me  from   poverty ; --sure .  

For last  two  days  there  have  been  flooding  Monsoon  Rain
Now  on   concrete  road , there  are a  few   water  pools and   man-holes-open
All  these are are  almost  normal  ; even printed  on daily  News-Columns
Now in  Country-side  there -- reports  of  floods  and  drowning  paddy  lands
Yes  ,  I  have   even  to  mention  them  while  writing  a  quite  Long Poem .

My  Grand mother  loved to  tell  often , - with me  on her lap
that -- when   I  was  one yr. old   , it was  possible   for  me    to  be  dead
and   some- small- sized -pit was  dug    for  my  burial
while   all  were  waiting-weeping --  for  my  last  gasping  breath
But  it  happened  not  
and  I  am , even  to  day  alive  !
THEN  even  another time -  later
 I  got  drowned   in  our village   pool
was   found  floating  by  chance   cried  for my  Grand  mother
 Who jumped  down  and pulled  me up
 put  me  on  her  head   and  whirled  round  and  round
acting   like  a  hub  of  a  wheel  and  to  throw  all  all  water  out
and   snatched  me  from   the  jaw  of  Death !

And  I  am  again alive  --now
I  am  ALIVE !
---even now !!
 This  very  thought
keeps   me  wondering  and  engrossed
And  since ,I  have  been  searching
 the  meaning of  being  'Alive'
in  all  the  Books,  Dictioaries   and  even  in GOOGLE/Search
to  know  :
 WHAT   IS     LIFE  ?--  or
what  is LIVING  ?? !!

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