Friday, February 6, 2015

PM Narendra Modi needs to break his 'deafening silence' on religious ...

Financial Express - ‎32 minutes ago‎
Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets the crowd during an election campaign rally for his Bharatiya Janata PM Narendra Modi's continued silence before such troubling religious intolerance increasingly gives the impression that he either cannot or does not ...
'WORKS  OF  VIVEKANANDA '  were  presented  and  received  in  RITUALISTIC  WAY  and  none   had  TIME  to   read  Vivekananda's   exposition   on  ' RELIGIOUS  TOLERANCE  OF  INDIA ' [ sheltering  escaping JEWS  and  Fleeing  Zorastranian-s  of  Persia  and  ABSORBING  Muslim  invaders  of  India .
Or  maybe . it  was to  please  PAKISTAN  from   USA -side  as  a  ' Balancing  Political  Move  ' .

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