Sunday, February 1, 2015

কথামৃত -কথা [of  Ramakrishna : Part  one ;  page 25 ]
All beings   including you,me , we  or  any thing  are  manifestation /expression  of  the  Divine  or  first  cause.
That   does  not  make  all  beings  and   men , (each) neither  Equal  nor identically  divine .
'GOD'   is  only  a   LOGO   out  of  Human   Mind -Intelligence  device.
If  there  is  God  , that  is  neither  a  physical  nor  Biological   entity  but   some  IMMUTABLE , All-Creative   First Cause  out of   which  you, me,   birds , germs , plants ,' stromatolite'; i.e  all  came  out.
And  I  can not  deny  that    God  is  NOT nor  the  DIVINE  is   anywhere  with  definite Identity  .
I am  only  an   OUT-COME  and  not  AUTHOR  of  any  entity .
Transliteration  by  Hiranmoy.

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