Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Reading... The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs'
In the chapters that follow, we’ll look at the potent antidepressant effects of six major protective lifestyle elements that we all need to reclaim from our ancestors:
•Dietary omega-3 fatty acids
•Engaging activity
•Physical exercise
•Sunlight exposure
•Social support

Phanibhusan Basu

7:00 PM (17 minutes ago)
to Devjit
Let  her  have  her  way  on  the  stage  of  Life  if  all  persuation fail.

Phanibhusan Basu

7:16 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Devjit
Maybe ,  a   sort  of  euthanasia  !!
After all  , what  is   Life  ?  Biological  existence  alone   &  extension  some how  ?

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