Thursday, February 12, 2015

RELIGION : or DHARMA originates from Sanskrit root 'dhri' and Vedantic - Darshan or GEETA says :

ধ্রিত্যা যয়া ধারয়তে মন-প্রানেন্দ্রীয় ক্রিয়া
যোগেন অব্যাভিচারিনা সা ধৃতি পার্থ সাত্যিকী ।। : Geeta ;18 Sl 33
Transliteration :
By adapting or carrying which we live our Worldly life
and get ever reamain attached to our all -Divine 'Root'
only that is a real 'Dharma' of highest scale .
By that standard Religion is neither a socio-ethnic or political I.D nor a Externalnal decor but one's personal FAITH and way of living . It has nothing to do with social, Political or community organisation

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