Wednesday, February 4, 2015

VEDANTA  :  ( * 1500  Years  B.C )
 ' DARSHAN  '  or  SOUL -EXPERIENCE'( Not  Western  Philosophy )
Jagyavalkya   the  Sage  said  to  his  wife :
'no  one  can  ' buy '  Immortality  with  money   '.
and  then wanted  to  give  the due   share of   wealth  to  his  wife  ( Moitreyee  Devi)  who  responded  as  follows  :
 " যেনাহম   নাম্র্রিতাস্যাম   তেনাহম   কিম  কুর্যাম " ?
Transliteration :
'what  shall I  do  with   that  'wealth'  by  which  I  can not  attain  Immortality  ?'
That  was   the  Period  when    women  were  not  only ' wives '  but  'Spiritual  Partner' as well
_*Ref :  BOOK  Of  INDIA   by   B.N Pandey [  Rupa &  co ( 1977) ; 15, Bankim Chatterjee  St.; Cal -700073.
Those  were  the   days   when 'Sages '  did not  live  'UN-married '   for   they   had  more  Self-  control  than   'Modern Stalwarts '  of  Advanced  Civilizations.

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