Sunday, October 3, 2010


It 1was 1958 when I resigned from my Central Govt. job and accepted Govt. Of India Scholarship for my M.D in Mdicine with special suject Cardiology. I was not yet married and my scholarship was Rs 150/= per month. But I was happy to get the chance to do somthing .The subject of the Thesis itsef satisfied me.. It was " ABO - BLOOD GROUPS IN INDIAN PEOPLE AND THEIR RELATION TO VARIOUS DISEASES " More interesting incidence wss that after completion of the thesis and its acceptaance, I gave up my M.D -study for 3-4 years on personal grounds and I was married then.

But the subject of my thesis satisfied me and my guide (Dr, P.S. Gupta M..D , Reader , Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi)immensely. And the INTRODUCTION itself will tell it better .
"Why do Certain people suffer from Diseases while others do not ? Is there something inherent in certin persons that render them either more susceptible to certain dieases or less prone to others ? These are the questions older than the History of Medicine itself and yet have not been completely answered",
"Before and during the earliest days of Civiisation, Diseases were accepted as punishment from Heaven for Human faults or failures. But since then, Science and Civiisation have progressed through so many Centuries until the present day when Knowledge has overcome mysteries and even Space and atoms have bowed down to the mastery of SCIENCE. and have uncovered more of their puzzling secrets............ the influences of environment, sex,, age , occupation and heridity in diseases had never been more thoroughly studied before. Yet the mysteries are not all clear.....Though the first half of the Twentieth Century has seen rapid expansion of Science of Genetics, there has not been comparable growth in that branch concerned with Human Inheritence until ABO Blood Groups came into the field "
This is where I left the field of my research by demands of material World in 1960 and after acceptance of my thesis. Since ,I entered a job again and then in 1965 had the lucky chance to get my M.D Degree.
Yet the World did not stand still and Science of Genetics progressed and sped through Dr, Watson & Crick , who finally had the success story of completing the human Genome. Their work and research covered a span of 27 years (1953 - 1980)
But my mind still lingers on the issue of Genetic -link in Causation of Dieases. I proved in one diease - i,e Cancer of Tongue (G,I -Tract)where there was proved statistical significance of the diease in Blood Group A , when, interestingly, Blood group A prevalence in INDIAN people held only 3rd place [ in Delhi i.e 30 % ] !
Whie in U.S.A ( 1993 - 2008 ), I tried to communicate this finding of mine but did not succeed . In western World, Blood Gr- A is more prevalent ( 42 % . in London).There is even , now , the scope of finding this relation of Cancer of GI Tract with Blood group A in Western world. The material for research will be found ready -made ,as in all proved & operated cases the Bood group is estabished in every hospital.

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