Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DEATH : a Mental Fear XVIII

Death ? - the greatest joke or a hoax
the end-game of a recycling plan of God
makes and breaks , -again builds
the integrated Unified play; unique , ever new
the indivisibe theme of unified 'Grand Design '!

Death ? - a false-hood or divulging trap
the seed hiding in fruit ripens at last
drops on earth again and only to evolve
the Time-Space engaged in the Magic- Play
and step by step it ever descends
by whim of MOTHER NATURE, with the Divine beyond
and even the Designer is helpless now
Each phase has to play by laid down-rule.

The sun , where rises , has to set there too
Divinity , the real play-wright ,- ever alone
with myriad ,myriad field of Conscious forms
of an eternal end-less Magic game
with terminal end-piece, - that we have named -
the DEATH . (first composed in Bengali on 3/08/2oo1 ; now in engish on 22/08/10)

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