Thursday, September 16, 2010

AUTOBIOGRAPHY : What was it , - Love ? -V

I was already 30 + then, had a earthly physical body and was not born to be a Saint. Soon after the thesis, I felt empty and wanted some one in life and that photo of that girl haunted me and I wanted to find out if the sacrifice of a Sofa-Set was worth to balance the gain. .... I came to Calcutta met her in their hosue in front of her mother , saw their , poor financial state by looking at the asbestos roof and cracked wall of the house, came back ,struggled with myself (neither we,- were rich) for quite sometimes and decided to be different' ....and the marriage happened against the will of my parents but with their permission ( for I decalred - I would remain a bachelor for life), -otherwise ).
The marriage happened in an un-usual way as I refused to have a decorated Car for the Groom and also refused to wear a 'Shola-Topi(' Mukut' or crown ) and my parents knew that I was somtimes obsitinate beyond reasoning.
There was an attempt to disrupt my obstinacy with flying letters and gossip of stainted character of both of us . Nothing worked and I got Married and came back in 4 days to Delhi I did not or could not ceebrate the 'Honey-Moon),leaving my wife in Calcutta with my parents and to join my post-Graduate studies with Rs 150/= a month which did not allow me to bring my wife to my side even in those days of 1960s.

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