Thursday, September 16, 2010

AUTOBIOGRAPHY : What was it , - Love ? -VIII

It was kennedys time in U.S.A and Kriushchev's leader-ship in USSR and Cold WAR that forced me to think fast. The impending Issue of Nuclear War was looming large ! wWe were sure that we could die any day by the mis-click of a Nuclear switch and the despair was on almost every informed face . And I wanted to get married , for I wanted to experience life before I died and went to Heaven or Hell,- though both had the same repulsion,then, in me. I was between 26 & 28 ; my parents were not sitting idle and I had no specific demand or choice.
When I was fresh in Medical college my eldest brother was married and youuger sister of his wife was a senior level school girl, beautiful ,daringly bold and reminded me of 'Delailah' of the famous film 'Samson and Delailah' which I saw a few times already, by seling my blood in Blood Bank. I was just an easy prey to her bold jestures but in those days , it was not easy to come close even to relative-girls in our orthodox families. We were in Anid-Blyton phase of Romantic spirit without anymore allowance in oriental set-up of i950s. My brother's In-Laws -side was eager to the prospect of getting me too as a son-in -law (doctor-candidate)and my sister-in law had ,perhaps,initiated this plan . Time rolled by and in theoretical phase of Romantic spirit ,without physical intimacy. Now I was in my final year and they were shifting to Jabbalpore ....and ... one day she came with my eldest brother to my Medical College Hostel to extract my readiness/promise to marry her soon or tell my intention straight.I liked her courage,( UN-thinkabe in those days of Strict Cosevative middle -cass society).
Now I was reborn in me and told her that if she could wait until I passed the final and then did the internship and house -job and got a job, she gets my promise or word of honour ( I always keep my word & promise and everyone in my family knows) but that was a long range - promise of 4-5 years ahead and .... my brother and she walked down the stairs and I looked down to wards a receding 'Lost possibiity '. Soon I learnt that her engagement was almost finaised. Thus the phase ended and she got married within a year or two. But if she could and did wait , I would have kept my promise and that, even my Eldest brother knew very well.
So life & loneliness ,studies with battles in life went on until the next phase in 1960.

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