Friday, September 17, 2010

Autobiography : - Death Visitting Life -XIV

I was born lucky to experience .life and also Death. I was so excited to know from my garnd mother that I was almost dead when I was taken to the Canal by my unce who took me there for my burial. I was gasping, kept on a banana leaf and put on the ground where a pit was dug and my uncle then, alone, smoking a 'Hukka' and waiting and waiting for my last breath and I disobeying Yama Raja or king of death . even after an hour. At last, a litte after, the king of DEATH left feeling cheated. ! My uncle now, brought me back home.
My second meeting with Death,as grand mother told me , when I was six or seven yrs old and I went out alone and tried , perhaps , to measure the depth of the very big Pond ( District board)) in front of our home . As I learnt later, I must have been drowned for some time and then my body came up floating with back side up for the last sinking to the depth. ...amd just that was the pre-destined moment when my elder brother came back playing some where and seeing a floted 'something' - tried his aim on it with a piece of mud and sudenly ( like SATORI ) he started shouting -'ma --ma ...-....- pha.. its pha- ( 1st half of my name ) !
My grand mother was nearer and had reflex-skill or 6 Th. sense ! she came almost running, saw the 'floating thing' and jumped in water , rescued my water -filled body , put me , with my belly on her head and started , herself, revolving on the spot( even modern medicine can learn and train modern sophisticated ladies who are ony smart enough to weep in any emergency). And , then all my stored water in my lungs and belly came out and the King of Death went again,- dis-appointed.
Till I was 12 , I had two more appoinment with Death and uptil now I have had Eight. So even Yama Raja rejected me so many times or I offended Him so often and I could create lot of troubles in my life after Death it was better Death might have decided, that I was left here to suffer.

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