Thursday, September 16, 2010

AUTOBIOGRAPHY : What was it , -Love ? -iv

Within next 4 days I had to come to Delhi and I insisted to meet her at her college in front of her colleagues and she agreed. We had even 2 or 3 Taxi- drive sojourn. But one thing we promised together that we will be friends and shall not touch each other in physical passion and we both respected and kept that promise in-spite of storms ahead.

And the storm came ! But even Greek Tragedies need a BUILD - UP and all events in life or outside has its roots beyond. The GEETA Expounds that -' everything that manifests on perceptual Universe comes out of a UN-manifested Root beyond ( geeta -Sl 8/18).
And Greek tragedy tells that real tragedies need neither hero nor villain , for - 'we all are victims of situatuons' - G.B.S.
I was married in 1960, when I was doing my theisis in M.D with Cent Govt Schoarship of Rs 150/= per month and our marrauge was not a love marriage. I liked the face of my wife in a photo which was sent to me after my parents approved and the proposed marriage broke down on the issue of betrothal- gifts (not dowry). My would be father in law was an engineer and suddeny was ill , having hard time . My parents also had no demand but my being a rare specimen of success as M.B.B.S doctor ,in an ordinary family, from a remote vilage set-up to lift me up in my relatives' eyes.
And after the famous famine and more famous Partition ,I came to calcutta as a refugee boy . That inspired our close reatives and influenced my father who was a Boarding -Hose owner in Delhi and while the bride's side had rich heritage and my would be in-law an engineer graduated from England. So the marriage proposal broke down on the issue of one Sofa-set which they ,found beyond their means or principle to provode. So, my chance of getting married fell back to Square one and I got busy with my thesis paper, took the event as a small peice of 'Pradise Lost'.

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