Thursday, September 16, 2010

AUTO-BIOGRAPHY : What was it , - Love ? -III

She came in the afternoon with her books . and we sat ont he floor, on a mat and started talking about poetry. As the host had no interest in peetry we two were both speakers and isteners. Of course, as my nature was, I was talking more, trying to prove my worth in a field that was her domain. I recited a long poem of mine and found her wiping off her tears. I never could think that she was, emotionally so soft. I was ,a bit, confused and uncertain . Anyway time slipped fast and it was deep evening out side. The host was around or outside and was getting ready to go for a Puja in neighbour's house . For next ten minutes they both weere discussing how she should go home that was half a mile far. They wee discussing it loud without deciding . I did not know that the servant in the house was not found fit for the job ( as this was my second of the short visits) . At last , as courtsey demanded,I offered to escort her and they both agreed, to my surprise.
We came out on the road and were walking and then I could not help asking - why she wept listening to my poetry recital. She replied straight and clear - 'I don't know'.
That was the catch. We talked and walked ; walked and talked and then betrayed our stand that we liked each other. She asked me about my wife and I told. I asked her about her husband, she told that she could not have a bette rhusband ! And we were merged in silence for some time and admitted that we were on a bump ...... At last I gathered my soul and told - 'I have my weaknesses but see, I am not born to destroy a good husband's family and you ?. She courageously looked at me , smiled and asked -what will your wife think , if she knows about our liking each other . I took some times and told - I don't know but we have managed to sail together so long, for more than 40 years... And we walked easy in silence and darkess around and reached her house, hand in hand and on my request.

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