Saturday, September 18, 2010


After that, as told, I slipped out from the lap of death four times at least.It was i) when I fell from a tree when I was about ten yrs old. ii] next was , when in Delhi [1962 ]I was caugt by live a.c (power)-current of a water-heater when I was alone in the house. (iii] Next one was during my young brother's marriage when I had a fight with a gang on train in a reserved car,( our seat occupid by a mafia . Wnen I challenged and fought ,( it was a looing & politically suppoted Gang - as revealed later in Police enquiry)and I was being thrown out of runnung train near AllahabadS[U.P]Rly Station. I was saved by providence , because the train already entered the station. . Next (IV] I was taken for dead after I was hit by a Bus and fell unconcious ( in C,R, Park, near my House..
I am still alive and kicking around with OCI status and nobody should find fault with Divinity if I am alive nor blame the king od Death telling that 'HE' did not try . .... Both egoistic and Science-prone people often think that our intelligence can manipulate the mode and time of our death. But with even some medical background, I believe, that -things are decided elsewhere than our tiny capacity. and ... 'there are more things in heaven and earth than that are dreamt of in your philosophy ' -_shakespeare. yet as I was born , -this body will die some day and the inside dweller i.e my Soul or real 'I' will rent a new shelter; O.k ? Let me come back on the track. So , I coild have died many times before but did not and survived every time , maybe, to have to write these blogss.

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