Friday, September 17, 2010

AUTOBIOGRAPHY : What was it , Love ? -X

2001 -july ; The Builder completed the building in C.R park ,Delhi and I and my wife flew back from U.S.A for the hand -over of our flat. We saw the building while coming to C.R park from I. G Air-Port and both liked the buiding. The hand over was complete and we shifted back to our old place . For seven days, I went to Calcutta to meet my friends ,relatives and regarding pubication of my next book. I went to the college of that friend to meet her. I was well received by college staff and when she came out we went down to a park to talk about poetry , all the things we could remember and loved in ife. There was an insect crawling on my shirt . she tried to pick it up and I reminded her of our declared promise. She almost laughed oud and over -ruled.
I was already one more year older . She too pleaded for accepting the pre-destined fate and turmoil that affected our friendship, and to help the healing for both of our families. Her son was now for Medical studies. We did not know how to draw the curtain ! I was against it as I felt there was nothing wrong in our friendship but she wanted to end our meering in future for the sake of peace for both famiies.
Next day I went to Kamar Pukur ,the birth place of Sri Ramakrishna and also visited Jairam bati the birth place of Sarada ma and came back and left for Delhi the very day . She proposed for coming to Station but I advised her not to . And she advised me , again to draw the end line some where now to save and help both families. I rebelled and told - if I know I am not doing anything mean why should I submit to any situation or, - what should I care for others' concusions? I was even, ready to meet her husband and children to stand the test. She advised me instead to win over first my wife as she was the helpless sufferer without knowing that we were pure friends and with no ill design or motive . I came back to Delhi.
The storm calmed down but clouds were hanging thick on the land of UN-certainty !

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