Friday, September 17, 2010

AUTO-BIOGRAPHY : What was it , - Love ? -IX

So life is ike that and designed not by us but somewhere in Space or vibration- Field by some supreme Designer. Maybe , according to Modern Cosmology there are other planes of worlds where things happened other-wise; where the sister of my eldest brother's wife really waited 5 years and I had kept my promise or in another Field where there came no storm and the sky and space was so vast and cerulean blue and I was still the friend to my wife and son. But in the present set-up the storm came like in Greek tragedy without fault of any one and even my dearest son who was my best friend was a witness. It happened this way:
I came back to Delhi after 3-4 days and she( my poet-friend) insisted and came to the Railway station to see me off on my departure in Rajdhani express. I stayed about 2 wks more in India and flew back to U.S.A where my wife was and we both were living in our son's house in Delaware( Our son was then in Chcago , settled there after marriage) and our daughter was within 4 miles and looked after us.
Naturally we would talk on phone and it was 10 hours time- gap between India and U.S.A . And one day it was an E- mail conversation and there was a block . My son who came from Chicago for a week, was down stairs and I sought his help. Like the play of Providence , her message in the end jumped out,just then and her words were -'I love you ' and my son looked at me, smiled and joked and I was caught 'red- handed' of course ! I explained our poetic and Platonic relation to him . He knew that I never lied and accepted after I told that she wrote beautiful poems and we were friends and never on physical level but on Platonic wave -length. On the break-fast table my son made comments in lighter vein to his mother, injecting humour . And it seemed o.k for some time but the cloud on her face gathered dark and deep. Next day I told the other side about this unhappy incident and was surprized to learn that 'same thing' happened on computer-screen with her son there ,helping her. I wondered and wondered without light . It must be providence or pre-destination . Or I don't know how to explain !
For next one or two weeks , I had great 'Depression ' and wrote a poem on it. I asked her ,- how she was facing it /, she told ,- her son saved her and did not tell his father after listening to his mother's defense urguments ; 'I love you son , I love my husband , I love my mother and if I love a friend how am I a spoilt mother to you. She won her case but I was not lucky. My son left for Chicago in 2 days and we were two devastated sufferers on the stage where I was the worst villain and she the 'cheated soul '!

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