Thursday, September 16, 2010

AUTO-BIOGRAPHY: What was it , - love ? -II


After lunch we sat together and talked about Cacutta , Delhi , C R.park and what not! Naturally the pleasant surprise of her being a lecturer on bengali and her being also a poet raised lot of interest in me and the host's eloquence and lavish praise of me in Medicine , Visual Art and poetry, including my exhibitions and pubished books, coloured my position and poise so much that I had to recite a poem of mine and also presented a copy of my book. The incidence was nothing special and so many times in my journey through life, similar things happened with me.elsewhere, and must have happened with others of similar job and hobbies,
That was that and next morning the host was out and I got a phone call from from this lady asking me all pleasant question of my poetry books, pubications and I , also, wanted to know about her latest poems etc. ...Nothing new happened for one or two days except my personal habit of walking in the morning for more than an hour and scan the area around . It so happened that , in my long walk , once I covered her area also and mentioned it to her . She was surprised and got interested to know if it was real and when I gave a good description of the place, she was audibly happy and thanked me for visiting their place and invited me to visit their house if I went that side again. She had two children and both in their higher secondary standard.. Next day I had to visit a town 20 miles far and her house was on the way . As she wanted other copies of my books, I carried them and visited her place , I met her husband first , introduced mysef and handed over to him the books telling him all the reason of my visit. He was so nice and kind and took me inside , introduced me to his mother and requested me to take a seat ant went in to inform his wife. She came out soon without cosmetic- or ad-ups (I liked that) and the books were then given to her. Within four or five minutes and before I left for my fixed appointment I asked her to come, that afternoon, with her books of poems for a litrary sitting along with the host, all talks were in front of her husband who , it seemed approved all with magnificent smile and approval, And I stepped out and she walked upto the Rickshaw stand.

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