Friday, September 17, 2010


To me life is like a big Canvas bordered by a frame and holding within , a big Space-Time field of 80 -90 yrs . Even if one lives longer it is usually outside the zone of our memory field. And to me, Experience is the real Life. Books , informations , professional status, wealth are but auxillary or accessories.
I am so proud ( not egoistic) of my experiences in life . I was a real Rural boy in the remote corner of Bengal,was free like a bird , wild ike a deer , no bag of books on my shoulder,(cf: modern time) half the day , I was on trees picking (sometimes stealing) fruits , or swiming in pond or fishing or playng with marbles or tops and never wearing shoes or dressing up like painted Models
When I came to the district town ( Barisal ) to join Class Ix( B.M school) I experienced a big change and thought that Barisal must be one of the biggest Cities of the WORLD . Soon in two years,- Partition of India and Bengal threw me on a bigger Metropolis called CALCUTTA , after - seeing and being, first, in a TRAIN ! I reached Calcutta and was over-joyed being first in a Tram -car that speeded on land . Then I,a refugee boy, was shetered in a place where , we,5 persons lived in one room at Benia Toa lane on Harison Road ( Now Mahatma Gandhi road). The chages and experiences were great and shuffling so fast that I felt too excited to take stock of all the treasure-worlds scattered before me to fill up my school-leaving life ! And it was the Post -Famine and 'Free-India' period with communal kiling -sport-'. And also , a time in my life, when my Mother -land was butchered into two parts and I as a run -away 'Refugee -boy' searching for my place in LIFE.

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