Saturday, June 30, 2012

you  flew in  spreading your  fancy golden wing
the  cup did not  expect you; nor did I
the  steaming  tea was for me
after  the day's tiring work
the  cup  held much relief  for  me  !
But you came in  flapping  your  wings in the air !

Some* one
i his  bid  to to fly sky-high
burnt  himself  unto Death; in golden flame
( It's  a News  item )

The  terrific  speed of  rocket age
The  flaming  spirit of Vietnam
the  war  and  the spoils it hankers after !

The space-man wears a  a funeral  garland
but  what dream inspired  you  to  plunge
into this  liquid  death ?

Your death --I  promise  to perpetuate
on the  canvas of  my  eyes and  soul
But --what is the  length of  a  life
do you know ?

For the times
let your  corpse ---limp and wet
from  my finger-tips
on to the  dead  news-paper
close to the  spaceman  dead.

A cup of  steaming tea
was  'fate' to  you
just as  that  blazing  Space  is  to me  !

At the  threshold ---of love
 I leave the  stains of  swat
my ritual  design .
 Eager  to listen to the conch- shell
within you
time without number  I came
and  went back  deprived !

Greatly moved  by this  futile  pilgrimage
 of mine
the distal Sun on high, --
 climbs the  pyre
while  another  fire  is burning me
 from within !
 shall  i  go back this time too
or ---stand and wait
without a  hint by cosmic gesture
I can neither  come in -- nor
 retrace my steps , --my dear !
It's  Sunday
today  I  don't  mind the  world
good bye  -- to all  haggling.
Shall sit by window  side
and  call the  vendor-sky.

Have  earned this  day
 from clutches of my boss
forgoing the  lure of overtime  pay
Now , none to bother me --
no  employer's  frown
no forced  obedience.

Sitting  by the  window
shall call the  hawker -sky
buy a  strip of  azure  blue
 and  the  unique chrysanthemum
on  star spangled  tray of night
minding not the  frightening  explosions
 of  bombs  and  grenades
 of  modern Time .

Friday, June 29, 2012

Oldest ever modern human DNA found

Zee News - 
Washington: Scientists claim to have collected the oldest fragment of the modern human genome from the bones of two 7000-year-old cavemen unearthed in Spain.

How fish intake improves memory

Daily News & Analysis - 
Medical researchers at the University of Alberta have discovered a possible explanation for why taking a diet high in DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, improves our memory.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The  curtain  comes down
foot-lights  dim
 I am still on the is  Stage
sitting alone
the  author's  script --the prompers   hushed voice
and  my 'mouth-speaker '-voice , now  a dumb-finish !.
but I am  unmoved  and sitting still.

My  own  soliloquy , I am-trying to voice
-- those  eager to leave  are free to exit

Wasn't  born  , really to  follow  another's  script
the Supreme  Author is now  prompting my  script
Though, I admit,   THAT  face  and  Voice
 I have never seen.
yet  , I know ,  I  have   transmitted  his  words
though- out life.

The lights now off , the  stage is  dark
the  'House-full'  audience  almost all left
 I am the  new hero , now , holding the  STAGE
and  my  poise in Silence, - is now  eloquent more !

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why you need to stop stomping on cockroaches

Firstpost - 
People need to stop stamping on cockroaches, as one of the most despised of all insects is essential to our planet for converting nitrogen into fertiliser, experts have said

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

এই  পথে  যাই  ও-দিক   ডাকে  দু -ঠোট   ফুঁড়ে
ও-দিকে  যাই  এ-দিক  ডাকে  চোখের  ঠারে
এই  ভাবেই  সারা পথের   মরিচীকা
আমায়  নিয়ে  খেলছে  খেলা  এমনি  করে ।

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

রাত্রে শুনি   আসবে  যখন  সকাল  হবে
দিনের  শেষে  পত্র  রাতে  -দেখা  হবে
তারায়  তারায়  মুচকি   হাসি , সেও  কি  তোমার
এমনি তর  চতুর  খেলা  শেষ কি  হবে ?

The  boy --7 yrs age --jumped out to theor  balcny in joy
singing oud  
"Da d  --coming next wk my --dad........" he abruptly  stopped
he  found me  loking at him from my balcony  smiling back
Even though stopped ,  joy was  still  over - flowig  his  poise and face
he's  trying  to hide his  joy from me  pressing face againstthe wall
His father  in Dubai  almost a near
 and the  two  kids , 7+4  , living with mom
 Still  he 's trying to hide  his joy, from me, in vain
 his  spreading smile  even  infecting  me  and expanding my smile
'Dad coming aftera  year'------  My  memory  jumped  back to my time )
His     face   and uncovered look soaked   all over  in smile
I  coldnot hide  my own joy of witnessing such view
the  joy of a  child  after the  news  of his  fathers  return
"My  Dad coming  ----------"
the  Love -divine  -has  myriad  forms and  ways , in-built, in NATURE's   !

Sunday, June 17, 2012

যে  দেখে  সে  অমনি  বলে   ঢিল  দিয়েছো  কাজে
পুরো সমাজ  খুঁত  পেয়েছে   মোর  মনে  মেজাজে
ঢিল  খেয়েছে  ঘুড়ির  সুতো  লটকে  গেছে  ঘুড়ি
হৃত -পিণ্ড  ঠিক   চলেছে ; র্হিদয়  চলে  না  যে  !

Shakil Ahmed Baliyavi21 hours ago
i would like to request you to kindly post some of your bengali poems, i am keen lover of bengali. thanks!
1 Comment

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friend, you  asked for a poem and I am now  in a  in fix
all buds  and  blooms of my garden  are dried up , I do think
Now the  desert  rule on my  desiring soul and  while I try to thrive
poetry fades on my  deprived  soil  and  survival only my life
bread and shelter ,-  my  only dreams ; life in turmoil  or storm
 tears  and  and hunger,--  all mixed up;  famine seems the  norm
Vision gone   dim searching food  of  any form  or  source
All  Art & aesthetics are  alien to me  ;the   ideal now --resource !

Wife now  demand,   surviving  food ; don't expect my love
should  you ask for  a  poem  now, when the  children starve
My  defeated dreams , all  locked within; you can even see
So  I  fail , to send  you a poem and  you , please  excuse me  !
"Have to over come a  huge mass of ancient  Superstition,Ancestal  superstition,Class supersttion, City superstion,Country Sperstistion" - Vivekananda .
Tied with myriad  superstitions and chained  all around 
  Human-s are  held back  like 'Promethius bound' 
yet there  are a few 'braves'  who break the chain
and  bring  more fire and light; with their love  and brain .
                                                             ----HGT (Pibi) 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Seeing a devotee in coloured robe and a 'ilak'9 A religios  auspicious makr on fore head) ; "  he  already  "STAMPED" --Ramakrishna .
Poetry : 
 The  bee  hums  over the  garden , never 'branded' in life 
  gathers  honey from  all flowers-- and  of  any type .
                                                   ---HGT ( Pibi) 
"Have to over come a  huge mass of ancient  Superstition,Ancestal  superstition,Class supersttion, City superstion,Country Sperstistion" - Vivekananda .
Tied with myriad  superstitions and chained  all around 
  Human-s are  held back  like 'Promethius bound' 
yet there  are a few 'braves'  who break the chain
and  bring  more fire and light; with their love  and brain .
                                                             ----HGT (Pibi) 

Then  it was  my green  young life
and  once   as I  looked  deep in your eyes
I did  saw there  some  vast cool  lake
and , perhaps,  even,   got almost drowned !

Yes then it was my green  young life
you once smiled and then said to me
-' teach me  some  of your drawing  skill
 and that was life's  enough  joy to me

 Then  , yes,it  was my young life
and dreamig was my  only wealth
 I knew  well that you were  so much rich
that was the  gap like  ocean- breadth

And  now  it is my  ending   life
came to know  you 're a widow  dear
and  those memories must be washed  clean now
though my own  is    razor- thin, I fear

 And  now, -- it is my Sun-set life
but  maybe  ever  and if we  meet
may be  you will not even    remember  then
where and when we did   ever  meet

And  now, though  I am living  in your town
yet  the  truth ;  --we are strangers  now  !

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Research suggests humans evolved from prehistoric sharks

Daily News & Analysis - 
Believe it or not - humans evolved from a prehistoric shark that populated the seas more than 300 million years ago, according to scientists.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


He was a fisher man,  rowing lone  with s tiny boat
daily rows  for  small fishes on river Ganga--  alone
that day  was--cloudy    cool ;and  I took the chance
he  was  returning home  from fishing , he allowed  on --
His  name is ' Maron' and   in Bengali,  it really  means   'death'
for, the  day he was  born , -his brother   died same day !

I wanted  to  row on Ganga river  and he allowed  it to me
 he was  alone on the  boat, always  was and  ever had to be
So he had to  row  and   spread the net , at the  same time  alone
I  was eager  to to  his life and the way he lived   in home
 He smiled  and told ; --he always  wished  he  had, at  least, a son
to help him in his  fishing  but  God  did  give  him none
 but was glad  to have  two  girl -children and  God knew it best
never  know the  plan of God , maybe,   for him  the best
 I t  touched me deep and  flashed  sharp ,then,  within me   I tell
another story  --" The old  man and the  Sea " from Hemming way's tale
Even to day I remember  so vivid  ;the   old mans  catch big-fish
" if the boy was  here ! ''  the  lonely  old  man repeated  loud --his wish !

And Maron  too  has   none to help--nor he  has a chance
As  he was too poor to employ one  and  he has not a  son
So !, " if the  boy  was here "  will  be  with him for the  next  whole life
I  could only help  by  buying  ( his )   morning- catch  only one Kg and a half
I  got  down  at  his own  home-' Ghat'  and  brought  him  home  with me
for - I had to pay him  the price of fish  and  learn  more  about  ' a  life can be'  !

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