Wednesday, June 13, 2012


He was a fisher man,  rowing lone  with s tiny boat
daily rows  for  small fishes on river Ganga--  alone
that day  was--cloudy    cool ;and  I took the chance
he  was  returning home  from fishing , he allowed  on --
His  name is ' Maron' and   in Bengali,  it really  means   'death'
for, the  day he was  born , -his brother   died same day !

I wanted  to  row on Ganga river  and he allowed  it to me
 he was  alone on the  boat, always  was and  ever had to be
So he had to  row  and   spread the net , at the  same time  alone
I  was eager  to to  his life and the way he lived   in home
 He smiled  and told ; --he always  wished  he  had, at  least, a son
to help him in his  fishing  but  God  did  give  him none
 but was glad  to have  two  girl -children and  God knew it best
never  know the  plan of God , maybe,   for him  the best
 I t  touched me deep and  flashed  sharp ,then,  within me   I tell
another story  --" The old  man and the  Sea " from Hemming way's tale
Even to day I remember  so vivid  ;the   old mans  catch big-fish
" if the boy was  here ! ''  the  lonely  old  man repeated  loud --his wish !

And Maron  too  has   none to help--nor he  has a chance
As  he was too poor to employ one  and  he has not a  son
So !, " if the  boy  was here "  will  be  with him for the  next  whole life
I  could only help  by  buying  ( his )   morning- catch  only one Kg and a half
I  got  down  at  his own  home-' Ghat'  and  brought  him  home  with me
for - I had to pay him  the price of fish  and  learn  more  about  ' a  life can be'  !

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