Saturday, June 2, 2012


"The  reality  of  everything is the same  Infinite. This is not Idealism.It is not that World  does not Exists . It has a  relative existence, and  fulfils  all its requirements . But  it has  no independent existence.It exists  because of the Absolute Reality beyond Time, Space  and Causation"
 ---Vivekananda( In 1890-s);  Delivered  at the  home of truth, Los Angeles, Califormia ; Ref ;Complete works of Vivekananda ;  17th  reprint  1992; Mayavati  Ashram ;Vol 2, P,  32-33).
Now  about Theory of Relativity (1905) by EINSTEIN ;

( I)Theory  of Light  and ( II )  Gavitational  theory , out- pacing Newton ( not negating) and  Comparing  the  theory  with  two storey house .
The   whole  of  Cosmic play  a  4- dimentional GAME  (time-Space)  and Light (EMF) and  proving all  our perceptual  truth throughout  our   life  as  total  Relativity ( Duality ) , while the  TRUTH  ABSOLUTE is beyond  human  Comprehension  and with /within the DIVINE (un-knowable).
For  Detailed  study ; ( Ref ; books  like that of  Michio Kaku, Bill Bryson, so  on  so forth and more in every book of Cosmology  of 20th  CENTURY. 
Most important : 
***  I  had  and  to Compress !
You may ask :  'Is it POETRY' ?
To me  any   journey to  TRUTH--Absolute,--  is POETRY, -in any form , p
Prose ,  Rhyme  or Music !


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