Thursday, June 28, 2012

The  curtain  comes down
foot-lights  dim
 I am still on the is  Stage
sitting alone
the  author's  script --the prompers   hushed voice
and  my 'mouth-speaker '-voice , now  a dumb-finish !.
but I am  unmoved  and sitting still.

My  own  soliloquy , I am-trying to voice
-- those  eager to leave  are free to exit

Wasn't  born  , really to  follow  another's  script
the Supreme  Author is now  prompting my  script
Though, I admit,   THAT  face  and  Voice
 I have never seen.
yet  , I know ,  I  have   transmitted  his  words
though- out life.

The lights now off , the  stage is  dark
the  'House-full'  audience  almost all left
 I am the  new hero , now , holding the  STAGE
and  my  poise in Silence, - is now  eloquent more !

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