Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The  boy --7 yrs age --jumped out to theor  balcny in joy
singing oud  
"Da d  --coming next wk my --dad........" he abruptly  stopped
he  found me  loking at him from my balcony  smiling back
Even though stopped ,  joy was  still  over - flowig  his  poise and face
he's  trying  to hide his  joy from me  pressing face againstthe wall
His father  in Dubai  almost a near
 and the  two  kids , 7+4  , living with mom
 Still  he 's trying to hide  his joy, from me, in vain
 his  spreading smile  even  infecting  me  and expanding my smile
'Dad coming aftera  year'------  My  memory  jumped  back to my time )
His     face   and uncovered look soaked   all over  in smile
I  coldnot hide  my own joy of witnessing such view
the  joy of a  child  after the  news  of his  fathers  return
"My  Dad coming  ----------"
the  Love -divine  -has  myriad  forms and  ways , in-built, in NATURE's   !

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