Monday, June 4, 2012


Stay  a while  more, so that--
the  air  all around can swing
with  thy  odor
 When I hold your hand
as if, the butter soft baby- bird  
dancing in joy!

How to describe  thy look
 the  cool calm   shady lake with wide  look
 inviting  me  to  ! -
 I  am eager to  dive or drown
yet,  why am I waiting  -thirsty  afar!

I  swing and stagger intoxicated in love
and  you  smile so mystic way
are you everyone's woman or my love !

Within  me some incense burn
All around me  emptiness stretched
 and  poetic muse sing  within !
Are  you mine /  --how to know
unless you yourself tell !
( written in Bengali between 1978 &'85)

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