Tuesday, June 5, 2012


The  evening desends  like  a crimson  curtain.
The window  is open,   light is on  and  awaits  for  some one . The writing table close to the   window, the  chair  --still empty  and eagerly waiting. Even the  evening outside , -- awaiting forthe  writer to  finish  the  story. Every evening   he comes writes  a  few pages--reads it loud  and the  dumb witnesses  listen to the  story  and  the  wind  carriy  it beyond.
To day it is very  late ; almost an hour  and  yet  no signof the writer !......
Then all on a suden ther is hushed  chorus  of  well known  event ;"* Hari bole ; hari -hari bole " ! --from  the the  back side of  the  house  signifying that -- the  story writer, has  died  suddenly ---  leaving his story  incomplete  for--ever!
* Hari  signifies   Divine -the all attractive !( Chorus  voice  at and after the death of a Hindu )

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