Monday, June 4, 2012

CYCLIC UNIVERSE( proposed more than 100 yrs BACK)

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" Out of what has this universe been  produced  then ?
 -From  a preceding  fine Universe.
Out of what has man been produced ?
-The  preceding fine  form . 
Out of what has the  tree been  produced ?
-Out od the seed."


*  What was   told  116 yrs back , is  admitted now by  SCIENCE . 
If this  is not POETRY , --what is  ? ! 

***Delivered by  VIVEKANANDA  in  New York,U.S.A; 19th January  1896 .
(Ref : The  COS MOS : The Complete  Works  of Swami  Vivekananda ;  !7 th  print, 1992 ;  Mayavati, India , P  207 )  

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