Friday, June 15, 2012


Then  it was  my green  young life
and  once   as I  looked  deep in your eyes
I did  saw there  some  vast cool  lake
and , perhaps,  even,   got almost drowned !

Yes then it was my green  young life
you once smiled and then said to me
-' teach me  some  of your drawing  skill
 and that was life's  enough  joy to me

 Then  , yes,it  was my young life
and dreamig was my  only wealth
 I knew  well that you were  so much rich
that was the  gap like  ocean- breadth

And  now  it is my  ending   life
came to know  you 're a widow  dear
and  those memories must be washed  clean now
though my own  is    razor- thin, I fear

 And  now, -- it is my Sun-set life
but  maybe  ever  and if we  meet
may be  you will not even    remember  then
where and when we did   ever  meet

And  now, though  I am living  in your town
yet  the  truth ;  --we are strangers  now  !

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