Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our  life  on this planet  ! and  what is   it
Is it  bondage  0r liberatiom ; bitter  and sweet
what is  DEATH  in reality , -who can tell
can't it  be  a Release  from  'prison -cell' ?
The balloon  filled  with air , --  float or  fly
so long  inflated --feel  alive   and tsay  high
When pricked or burst , the  balloon dies
or isn't the release of locked  air, a freedom-  device
Which  one --Death ?  Whch one  life ? And which one  free
Which one is bound , - the  seed  or the  expanding tree

For  long  ben  brooding  on this case
Can't Death be  a Birth  in higher  SPACE
Can't  this  ,  our present life  be  a prison cell
or Soul ,  living in limitation ;  well. --who can tell !

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