Saturday, March 7, 2015

                          (Nut-Shell -Form )
There  are  18  chapters  and  740  Sloka-s ( in very  conscious  form  of   spiritual Ascent ).
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!st  Chapter : Life  begin     in  Ignorance  and  confusion .
2nd   "           RATIONAL  Thinking  -  the  path  of  Illumination .
3rd    "          WORK  is  inherent  in  our  Nature  but  not  the  Goal.
4Th    "         Experience  is  real  Knowledge ;  book  knowledge  is  borrowed  knowledge.
5 Th:  "         RENUNCIATION  is     Spiritual  Path   to  reach  unto  SOUL - level and  Merge in .
6 Th .  "        MEDITATION   is   the  way    for    UNITARY  TRUTH .
7 Th    "        Material cum   Scientific  Knowledge   allows   higher Vision  for   Truth & Reality .8 Th .  "       Immutable  Consciousness  is    the  Luminosity  root  for  final  Effulgence .
9 Th ,  "        KNOW  THYSELF   and know  the  DIVINE  in  Multi-dimensional  form .
10 Th , "       E . S. P    is  the   manifested  power from Divine .
11Th.    "       GOD  -SEEING  is   a  Psychic  or  Soul - Vision .
12  Th  "       DEVOTION  and  Spirit  of  Surrender   is   a   SOUL -POWER (DNA).
13Th.   "     Know-er -Knowledge  and  Field   are   Unified  and Indivisible   form of   Cosmic Game. .
14Th.   "      Sottwo , Rajo  ,Tomo    are  three  subtle    Vibrations  in  living  -process   of  NATURE.
15Th.   "     ABSOLUTE  (Purushottomo) is   the  First  cause  . Universe is  like a Tree  up-side
                   down(  Quantum Theory ).
16Th.   "    Demonic , Human  , divine  qualities  are  inherent  POTENTIALS  in  every one .
17Th  "      FAITH   is  a  Genetic  Quality  and  has  also  three   types  of  vibrations .
18Th.  "     LIBERATION  from   Physical  bondage  through  Soul  and  Psychic   Evolution   is  the                   Final  GOAL  of   Life  and  Living .
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Compressed   and  Presented    by    Hiranmoy  Gautom ( Dr. P.Basu M.D). Was  first  published  in 2002  in Poetry .com  ( from  DE, USA ).
Now  Legendary Poet 2012 ,  and  Winner of  BEST POEMS  AND  POEMS  2012 by  WORLD  POETRY  MOVEMENT, Utah, USA.

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