Sunday, March 8, 2015

P -2
SYMPONY  WOOD   :  BY    Phanibhushan DELHI  T.V SHOW  IN    PANAROMA  ; 31 / 07 / 1979 .
Q ;( Mrs. Pandey) : Do you  think any  particular  type  of  wood  helps  you  ?
P.B : I  have  not  given  much  thought  to  this   particularity of  pattern or  type . To  me  , durability           or  quality od  wood  has  not  been  the main  criterion .
          I  a  a  poet  and  try  to  be  creative . Anything  beautiful  and  having  creative  flow   was                good  enough  for  me ,  now .  Suppose  --the  fragrance  of  a  flower.  how  fragile  it  is
         and  yet  so beautiful  in  abstract  sense.  I  wish  I  could  hold  it  in my  hand  or frame it  for            even a while  !
Mrs, Pande:  You  must  have  travelled  far  and  wide  to  find  these  Art - pieces ?
P.B :  well ,  --not  much .I  did not have  much  scope  nor  my  porfession   allowed  it  . I  was mostly  bound  in  to  Delhi  by  demand  of situation  and  also  my  profession. Almost  80%  of  the  pieces  you  see  here , wer  found  in  urban  Delhi  alone .

Q :  After  you   find  these  wood  pieces  what  methods  you  apply    to  put  your  skill  or  feeling .
P.B : May  I  put  it  in  my  own  way !
  I  was  essentially  a  Poet  first  and  I   neither had schooling  or  training in the  field  of  Visual  Art. But    did not feel lost   because   from my  field  of  Poetry  itself I knew  the  Art  giving  expression  by  compression , exclusion  and   even  by  distortion  of  words ,
So  as  and  when I  find a  piece  waste  would    teasing  me  with  suggestions , I  oul  cut   , assault  , even  distort  it  to  bring  on  its  surface  the  hidden  expression that I  was  always  finding  around ..

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